The Unsightly Flight of the Un-Christian Flag

Something is wrong with this picture—very, very wrong…

It reminds me of something from a long, long time ago. I wasn’t very old… early grade school probably… still wearing patent leather shoes, a dress gathered at the waist and a bow sitting on top of my thick curly pony-tail. I loved Daily Vacation Bible School—the singing, the crafts, the sack lunches with the little square chocolate milk cartons, even sitting in the sticky pews in 90 degree heat (sans air-conditioning) with all the other sticky, sweaty kids.

This was a special time each year at our church—advertising poured out and throngs of neighborhood children poured in. They were promised a good time and our church made sure they would have it. Those of us who regularly attended church already were supposed to be witnesses so we were to be on our best behavior (witnesses were simply good examples, they explained). This year was no different except in one respect—the sanctuary held an extra flag.

It was placed up front. We were told that when the time came we were supposed to all stand up and turn toward the new flag in our pews (not always an easy thing to do) while placing our hands over our hearts. Here’s the funny thing, though… The time was right after (not before) the pledge of allegiance to another flag—Old Glory herself.

I wasn’t very old, but the message was not lost on me—the American flag (and thus the American nation) had more Glory than the Christian flag (and thus the Kingdom of God.) I felt bad for God… I had always been told He was supposed to be the most important person in the universe. Why then, I wondered, had He been subjected to dishonor? Who had put Him “in His place” under the honor and glory of a single nation on His Own planet? Shouldn’t He be on top? Being so young, all I understood was what I was told—that it was the right (not righteous, mind you) thing to do because it was a “rule” and God wanted us to follow rules.

A little bit of research into the American flag’s code will show you the American flag is not kidding when it says, “I get to be on top!” The following quotes are from various sources, including the flag code, rules for display of the American flag, and accepted custom, both for indoors and out:

"When used on a speaker's platform, the flag, if displayed flat, should be displayed above and behind the speaker. When displayed from a staff in a church or public auditorium, the flag of the United States of America should hold the position of superior prominence, in advance of the audience, and in the position of honor at the clergyman's or speaker's right as he faces the audience. Any other flag so displayed should be placed on the left of the clergyman or speaker or to the right of the audience.”

“The American Flag should always be at the peak. When the flags are flown from adjacent staffs, the flag of the United States should be hoisted first and lowered last. No such flag or pennant may be placed above the flag of the United States or to the right of the flag of the United States.”

As a child (after I had pledged my allegiance to the American flag), I was told to recite the following to the new red, white, and blue flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the Savior for Whose Kingdom it stands; one brotherhood, uniting all mankind in service and in love.” So... the Savior’s Kingdom is defined as a brotherhood that unites all mankind in service and in love… Hmmm… I dunno… Seems to me there is a lot of information missing in that little chorus… and maybe a little new age-ey (Sorry. I have absolutely no idea how to spell that.) humanism creeping into the church’s belief system way back during the 1960’s?

Zoom forward to the year 2014—that flag is still flying around. All I ask is, “Why?”

I looked up the history of the Christian flag and found that it all started in 1897 because a scheduled speaker to a Sunday school on Coney Island didn’t show up. The superintendent decided to give an impromptu lecture (I have to wonder why he didn’t grab the opportunity to teach the students the Bible). Anyway, he gave this speech and asked the students to imagine (make up) what a Christian flag would look like. Out of the obviously Spirit-led event came this collectively inspired image of a copy-cat American flag. Wow! Can you believe it! Even the pledge of allegiance had the same cadence as her predecessor. Amazing!

I understand I am being just a tiny bit sarcastic, but c’mon—you have to ask yourself if God really wanted this little gift or not. For over 4,000 years flags have been used for communicating the identity of the entity which they represent, so why would the church want to communicate that God’s Kingdom needs to fly beneath the glory of anything? I know I don’t like to be misrepresented and I know with much greater certainty that God will not stand for it! There is no Glory in this false, flagrant flag of Christianity.

If anyone is asking, “Why couldn’t God have given the church this flag through this group of students?” The answer would be simple. It cannot be from God because it robs God of His Glory. It does not line up with His Word, so it is not true—but false. God cannot ever go against His Word. He is Truth. His Word is Truth. The flag of Christianity is false.

Christ is all-sufficient! Why do we need a flag other than God, Himself—Jehovah-Nissi, our Banner? Why, oh why, does man always have to make things up and mess things up? The false flag of Christianity reminds me of the false fire of incense Nadab and Abihu offered to God.

Please do not misunderstand, I have no quarrel whatsoever with the American flag (although it has no place in the worship of God). My quarrel is with those who display a false glory underneath the American Old Glory in total disrespect of the Older Glory—The Ancient of of Days. I am not saying to put the “Christian flag” above the American flag—I am saying, “Don’t put it up at all!”

I have a whopping objection to any human being simply making something up, saying it represents God, and then introducing it into the church as though it were holy unto God. The Christian flag is not holy unto God; it did not come from God, and does not bring Him any Glory whatsoever. The message it sends is from the world, not from the Word. Let the American flag wave proudly on top of all other flags of the earth—but why make up a flag “for" God and make Him fly His flag underneath anything?

Just think it through… You are driving along on the interstate (or anywhere, for that matter) and you see a church waving a flag that has a cross on it underneath an American flag. Even a non-churchgoer can read the billboard message, just like I could when I was only 7 years old, “The bigger picture is the USA, not GOD. God is just part of the bigger picture.” A drive-by flag waving a malignant message does not change Truth; Truth is still the same—GOD is the only picture and everything, absolutely everything, must take its place within His framework and according to His placement.

Please take down the fabric… that’s all it really is…

© Sharon Jensen 1999-2017