The Bible is, without a doubt, the most important book in the history of the world. Christians all over the world would claim that it is the source of their beliefs. But what is it about? What is the main point of the Bible? These two questions might seem simplistic to some, but they are actually crucial questions with vitally important answers.
There are many different misconceptions about the Bible. You hear all sorts of people say it has no coherent theme; that it takes too long to read; and that it is too hard to understand. Many people fervently believe these claims—but the fact remains that they are merely claims, and false ones at that. The truth is that the Bible has a coherent theme; it can be read in less than a year (in only 77 hours, by the way—which we’ve done at WORD Center as a group multiple times); and it most definitely can be understood if we come to it without trying to mold it into our own preconceived notions.
Exactly how do you discover the meaning of the Scriptures? By personally observing the Word which our Creator has spoken to us.
History is HIS Story!
The book HIStory: From Event to Event the Bible is One Story is an overview of the entire Bible designed to help you see it as one story by breaking it down into thirty-two main events and showing you how each event bleeds backward and forward into its neighbors—in other words, each biblical event is a product of its context. The Observation Bible Study Guide is inductive—its purpose is to allow you to discover truth for yourself. In a group setting, it works well to do one event per week.
Two companion resources are also available—HIStory Timeline and HIStory Flash Cards.
HIStory Timeline is a very handy tool to have around when you need to remember the chronology of biblical events. This pictorial timeline is made up of images, each keyed to an event in the book HIStory: From Event To Event The Bible Is One Story. With each event titled on the front of HIStory Timeline next to each picture, you can clearly see the flow of events. Also, on the back of HIStory Timeline are all of the Scripture references used in the Study Guide lined up with each event title. It folds up into a convenient size and stores in your Bible case, backpack, or purse.
HIStory Flash Cards (which are based off of HIStory Timeline) make great learning tools for all ages (think Bible Studies, Homeschool Curriculum, Vacation Bible School, Sunday School, and Family Night). With the picture on the front and the event title on the back, they are great for working through events you have already studied to help you remember them, and to review with your class or group.
Magnifying the WORD of GOD… One Book at a Time… Verse after Verse… Word by Word by Word…
WORD Center Ministries